When I lift my legs, I expect one foot to move in front of the other. Walking is just as natural as breathing and I have been doing it for twenty-something years. Being unable to walk is unfathomable to me. As I walked/ran at St. Jude’s #givethankswalk I took time to appreciate how blessed I am.
St. Jude caters to children suffering from cancer and catastrophic diseases, it’s a pediatric treatment and research facility. Curlbox is a natural hair subscription service that allows curly girls to discover new products every month, for a fraction of the retail cost. St. Jude and Curlbox partnered to created the Ultimate Curlbox Meetup at St. Jude’s Give Thanks Walk.
Scrolling through my Instagram timeline I stumbled across the image promoting the event and jumped on the opportunity. Raising awareness of such a worthy cause, exercising and meeting new curl friends? Win, win and win!
The 5K walk went through Paramount Pictures studios. Three laps around equaled 5K. Since I have so much to be thankful for, I completed two extra laps. The last lap included multiple dance breaks with team captain Nikia and her friend Alexis (not sure if the spelling is correct), so awesome! Seeing so many curlies out there made me smile real big.
All Los Angeles Ultimate Curlbox Meetup participants received swags bags filled with these Carol’s Daughter goodies. Score! Curlbox raised more than $17,000 for the cause and united multiple groups of women together all across the country. AMAZING!
Thanks for reading!